

1413 Uppsatser om Functional food - Sida 1 av 95

Vad har 18-19 åringar för attityder mot Functional Food? : - En kvalitativ studie

Problem: What attitudes do young adults have towards Functional food?Is there any relation between these attitudes and young adults behaviour towards Functional food?Purpose: The purpose of our thesis is to understand young adults attitudes towards Functional food and also examine the relation between these attitudes and their behaviour towards Functional food. Method: The authors of this thesis have used a qualitative method for data collection, focus group interviews.  There were two focus groups interviews performed on high-school students at Alléskolan in Hallsberg. The interview questions and the analysis of the primary data have been based on the frame of reference. Conclusion: Our investigation shows similar results as previous studies about consumers attitudes towards Functional food. Our respondents had mixed attitudes towards Functional food.

Mind Touch-en studie om positionering av Functional Food produkter i konsumentens medvetande

Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och studera hur man skapar en position för Functional food produkten i konsumentens medvetande, det vill säga undersöka vilka positioneringsstrategier svenska Functional food produkten har, och vilka marknadsstrategier företagen har använt för att skapa önskad position i konsumentens medvetande. Genom fallstudier undersöker och analyserar vi hur företagen har lanserat och positionerat sina Functional food produkter mot intressanta marknadssegment. Syftet med fallstudier är att exemplifiera vilka positioneringsstrategier Unilever och Skånemejerier använt sig av och under vilka förutsättningar de har lyckats nå en position med sina Functional food produkter på den svenska marknaden. Det empiriska materialet har kompletterats med expertintervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av tre teoriområden, Innovation, Diffusionsprocessen samt Positionering, där vi fokuserar på skärningspunkten mellan dessa.

The impact of store atmospherics and consumer attitudes on in-store behavior ? What determines the buying decision of functional food?

Thesis purpose: The aim of this paper is to extend the knowledge of what influences the purchase decision of Functional food in the store. By applying the M-R model in a new setting - the dairy department in grocery retailing in Sweden - and adding variables related to health attitudes, the aim is to contribute to existing research concerning in-store purchase decision making and store environment as well as consumer attitudes. Methodology: This thesis employs a quantitative strategy with a deductive approach and data has been collected with questionnaires. Theoretical perspective: Environmental psychology serves as an overarching framework where, more specifically, certain aspects of store atmospherics and some variables concomitant to health attitudes provide the theoretical base. Empirical data: The empirical data consists of customer purchasing a Functional food product, Proviva, and this is contrasted with a test group, Bravo.

Konsumentinställning till Functional Food i Sverige och Danmark - skillnader i attityd och adoptionsbenägenheter

Den här uppsatsen behandlar skillnaderna i attityd till Functional food mellan Sverige och Danmark. Syftet är att utreda, med hjälp av adoptionsteorier, segmenteringsteorier och teorier om kulturella skillnader, de olikheter som finns mellan de danska och svenska konsumenternas attityder och inställningar till Functional food och hälsomat. Vidare tänker vi utreda varför dessa skillnader existerar. Produkten som fokus läggs på är en cereal bar som tillverkas av ett internationellt företag. Den marknadsförs redan som extra nyttig på andra marknader och företaget hoppas kunna lansera produkten på liknande sätt i Sverige och Danmark.

Kunskap och tillämpning av Functional food i det kariespreventiva arbetet inom tandvården : En enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Ett lämpligt näringsintag är viktigt för främjandet och bevarandet av både den allmänna och orala hälsan. Karies är en multifaktoriell sjukdom där kosten har en betydelsefull roll. Kosten kan bidra till både kariesförekomst och kariesprevention. Functional food definieras som ?livsmedel som ger hälsovinster utöver basnutritionen? och ?livsmedel som har en eller flera tillsatser som modifierats för att bidra till en hälsosam kosthållning?.

Kvalitetsupplevelse och Motivation vid konsumtion av en Functional Food

Abstract Denna uppsats behandlar frågeställningar kring konsumenters motivation och kvalitetsupplevelse i samband med köp och konsumtion av Functional food. Vi har genomgående i uppsatsen haft ett konsument- och ett producentperspektiv för att kunna identifiera skillnader som kan föreligga mellan dessa två. På så sätt utröner vi om konsumentens kvalitetsupplevelse stämmer överens med de mervärden som producenten vill förmedla. Vi har även kartlagt vilka faktorer som motiverar konsumenter till köp av en Functional food. Till vår hjälp i den empiriska del som grundar sig på kvalitativa djupintervjuer med ladderingteknik har vi haft tillgång till ProViva Active.

Nutrition and health claim labelling of food: Understanding the unique relationship between consumers, companies and legal instruments involved

Problem formulation: Recent results from the European Food Information Council?s consumer research on nutrition information and food labelling revealed that most consumers have little understanding of the nutrition information found on food products, feel that there is little authority regulating these matters and wish for a more trusted source of information and regulation and lastly it was found that consumers accept their limitations and have little motivation to even read or learn about nutrition information. Thus what are the reactions of the various legal authorities to this problem? How are food retailers and producers responding to the needs of the consumer? How are consumers then reacting to these two players in the industry and the changes they are making?Purpose: The purpose of this research is to gain new perspective and a better understanding of relationship between consumers, companies and legal instruments in relation to nutrition and health claim labelling of food products. Method: The nature of this multi-disciplinary research has led to the study of all three areas, business administration (containing consumer behaviour) and business law, which are contained in this paper.

Kostansvarigas uppfattningar om införandet av ekologiska livsmedel i skolmåltidsverksamheten

The purpose of this study was to examine how food managers of Östergötland County disucss around their possibilities of reaching the government´s orientation towards 25 per cent of the food - procured, prepared and cooked in the school meal - coming from certified organic production. The study was a cross-sectional study in wich a qualitative approach was used. The sample consisted six food managers in Östergötland. Data processing was done through a semantic content analysis.  The result showed that involvment and intrest were significant factors for the introduction of organic food in the school meal. The three municipalities with the highest percentage of organic food used the SMART - concept.

Reasons to believe - reasons to buy : factors influencing the consumers' choice when buying probiotic products

The purpose of this thesis was to describe what factors influence consumers? choice when buying probiotic products. Functional foods have been predicted a bright future on the food market but so far the concept have not been embraced by the consumers. The reasons for this are many and not clearly understood. Positive health effects are what set a Functional food product apart from traditional food stuffs of the same type.

Hur maten blev begriplig : En analys av matens diskursiva formationen bland Slow Foodmedlemmar i Göteborg

The aim of this essay is to analyze the discursive production of Food, within the Slow food movement, by its members. Through a discourse analysis inspired, theoretically and methodically, by Michel Foucault, this essay examines how the idea of food ? that is ?what should be eaten? ? in opposite to what can be eaten, is constructed within by Slow Food members in the Gothenburg area. The essay analysis how Slow Food?s food discourse is structured and what results this formation has on food within this discourse.

Suicidefterlevande familjers upplevelse av stöd i samband med en stödhelgsinsats

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Turismindustrin - ett verktyg för att hjälpa människor välja Klimatsmartare Mat.

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Profiling the Fortified Health Food Consumer - a study of Swedish margarine

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a holistic understanding of who are the consumers of fortified health food products; moreover to highlight what are the characteristics of the consumers who are likely to purchase these products. This thesis employed a quantitative strategy with an inductive and a grounded theory approach. The data was collected from a research company. Existing theories in the area of Functional food were not possible to find. Considering that the area is new this seems plausible; however, previous studies provided insight for substantive framework.

En komparativ studie av prisutvecklingen på livsmedel

The food prices in Finland and Sweden have been a subject for discussion for several years back in time. From the opponents against further European integration one have often heard that the EU and EMU entrance have made an negative impact on the food prices. This study show us that the impactof the entrances was extensive in the short run but rather finite and insignificant in the long run.Other important factors that describe why food prices fluctuate is also discussed. The mainconclusion is that other factors than the EU and EMU entrance should be seen as more likely whenit comes to the development of food prices. The essay is principally based on quantitative statistics of food prices, analysed in the light of economic theory..

Livsmedelsmärkning i butiker i Halmstad : kontroll av utvalda varor samt undersökning av kunskapsläge bland butiksföreståndare

In light of the recent scandals in Europe involving food labelling, this study will be focusing on food labelling. This study?s purpose is to investigate the extent of knowledge concerning labeling and presentation of food in the different food stores in Halmstad.The study was conducted out of our own interests with the guidance from the environmental health office. The study included nine different food stores of different size. The focus in this study was to verify how well five selected products follow the labeling rules.

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